(A) shows the presence of Ins+; BrdU+ and Ins-; BrdU+ cells that are indicated by yellow and white arrows, respectively. p27(Kip1), p-p27(S10), p18(Ink4c) and GSK-3 in islet -cells of adult mouse pancreatic tissue. We demonstrate marked interaction of p27(Kip1) with cyclin D3, an abundant D-type cyclin in adult human islets, and vice versa as well as with its cognate kinase partners, CDK4 and CDK6. AZD1981 Likewise, we show marked interaction of p18(Ink4c) with CDK4. The data collectively suggest that inhibition of CDK function by p27(Kip1) and p18(Ink4c) contributes to human -cell quiescence. Consistent with this, we have found by BrdU incorporation assay that combined treatments of small molecule GSK-3 inhibitor and mitogen/s lead to elevated proliferation of human -cells, which is caused partly due to p27(Kip1) downregulation. The results altogether suggest that ex vivo expansion of human -cells is achievable via increased proliferation for -cell replacement therapy in diabetes. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: CDK inhibitors, GSK-3, adult human islets, adult pancreatic -cell, p18(Ink4c), p27(Kip1), proliferation, quiescence Introduction Normal adult human pancreatic -cells are mostly quiescent (G0) and generally do not enter into the G1/S-phase of the cell cycle. However, the mechanisms regulating such quiescence are not well understood. In order to expand human -cells for future therapeutic intervention of diabetes, such knowledge is critical since it will contribute to their elevated entry into the cell cycle by overcoming quiescence leading to increased proliferation. Diabetes is primarily a disease of reduced -cell mass. In type 1 diabetes, -cell deficit is almost complete, whereas, in type 2, such deficit is partial. Therefore, in principle, replenishment of lost/reduced -cell mass, either by -cell replacement/transplantation or via -cell expansion in vivo, should ameliorate hyperglycemia and correct diabetes. As proof of principle, clinical studies show that restoration of -cell mass via islet transplantation can treat diabetes-related symptoms for a certain period of time and allow temporal insulin independence in type 1 diabetic patients.1 Additionally, studies using rodent models of -cell ablation (type 1 diabetes) and insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) display that restoration of lost/reduced -cell mass by increased proliferation of pre-existing -cells results in normoglycemia and correction of diabetes.2-5 It was first reported in 2009 2009 AZD1981 that many members of the mammalian cell cycle machinery, particularly of the G1/S proteome, are expressed in adult human islets isolated from cadaveric donors.6 The critical role of positive cell cycle regulators, such as, cyclin D1, D3, and CDK6, individually or in combination, in promoting ex vivo proliferation of adult human -cells was also revealed.6-8 However, from the point of clinical application, these studies6-8 may have significant limitations due to the use of virus-mediated overexpression systems for cyclin and/or CDK to elevate human -cell replication. Nonetheless, such studies documented the clear potential of adult human -cells to proliferate ex vivo. We showed, using isolated adult human islets, marked levels of several critical cell cycle regulators, including p27(Kip1) (a cyclin-dependent kinase [CDK] inhibitor), glycogen synthase AZD1981 kinase-3 (GSK-3) (a serine-threnine protein kinase), cyclin D3 (a member of D-type cyclins) and retinoblastoma (Rb) protein (a tumor suppressor).9 Substantial levels of both p27(Kip1) and cyclin D3 in -cells of adult human pancreatic tissue were also reported.10 An old study indicated that in human pregnancy, maternal -cell mass expands via -cell hyperplasia for maintaining normal glucose homeostasis.11 A recent report has revealed about 50% increase in -cell mass due to elevated -cell number in obese individuals for compensating high insulin demand.12 Studies of -cell turnover in donors displayed the presence of replicating -cells primarily in the first 3 Rabbit Polyclonal to RRAGA/B decades of life.13 Additionally, studies using cadaveric donors revealed strong evidence that residual -cells in type 1 diabetic patients are in a steady-state of proliferation and apoptosis, even after 50 y of diabetes duration.14 Moreover, pancreatic -cell ablation in very old mice (1C2 y old) demonstrated that -cells retain the capacity for compensatory proliferation to maintain normal glucose homeostasis.15 These studies collectively indicate that irrespective of the quiescent nature of adult human and rodent -cells, they possess an intrinsic ability to respond to growth stimuli to overcome their quiescence state and enter into the cell cycle for self-duplication/proliferation via modulation of the levels and/or function of cell cycle regulators (negative and positive). p27(Kip1), an important member of the Cip/Kip protein family, is a primary negative regulator of cell proliferation and controls the G1/S-phase transition by.