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1984;307:136C140. to the MCPS, from immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG3 to primarily IgG1. A response to MCPS-TT is seen even among mouse strains which respond poorly to MCPS itself, emphasizing the importance of a strain PF-05085727 survey when choosing a mouse model for any vaccine. The marked increase in IgG1 antibody titer was accompanied by a large increase in bactericidal activity of sera from these animals. Animals primed with the conjugate vaccine exhibited a booster response after secondary immunization with either the MCPS or the conjugate. The ability to produce a boosted IgG1 anti-MCPS response to the MCPS can be transferred to adoptive recipients by B cells alone from mice primed with MCPS-TT but not mice primed with MCPS alone. These PF-05085727 data show that in BALB/c mice a single immunization with MCPS-TT is sufficient to induce a shift to IgG1 and generate a memory B-cell population that does not require T cells for boosting. The capsular polysaccharides (PS) constitute the major virulence factor of many pathogenic bacteria that cause invasive diseases and, therefore, have been employed in a number of vaccines against diseases caused by encapsulated organisms. These PS are classified as thymus-independent (TI) antigens, because they do not require mature T cells to elicit a humoral response in vivo, although they do require a late developing subset of B cells (37). These PS antigens are immunogenic in adults but only poorly immunogenic or nonimmunogenic in infants and young children, who are highly susceptible to contamination caused by encapsulated bacteria (22, 43, 64). The unresponsiveness of some animals to these PS has led to investigations into the nature of this lack of response. Avery and Goebel (5) showed that when rabbits which were unresponsive to type III pneumococcal PS were immunized with type III PS coupled to horse serum albumin, they produced an anti-type III response. Thus, the unresponsiveness to the real, TI PS could be overcome by the use of a thymus-dependent (TD) conjugate vaccine (62). A number of studies have exhibited the power of conjugate vaccines. Stein et al. (59) compared the immune response to a dextran-derived oligosaccharide-protein conjugate to the response to the dextran polysaccharide itself during ontogeny and found that the conjugate shifted the peak antidextran response from 12 weeks of age to 3 to 4 4 weeks of age but that it was still age related. Our mouse models have proven to be useful in understanding human responses to PS and were completely predictive of PF-05085727 the age-related ability of human infants to respond to type b (Hib) conjugate vaccines (2, 35, 60). Despite an age-related increase in response, both vaccines (2, 10) have been demonstrated to be efficacious in preventing invasive diseases caused by Hib in infants. The use of conjugate vaccines against PF-05085727 human disease was pioneered by the studies of Robbins, Schneerson, Smith, and their colleagues on Hib conjugate vaccines (26, 35, 57). Early vaccines against Hib were composed of Hib PS capsules and were shown to be effective in the prevention of invasive disease in older children but not in infants (42, 44). Conjugating the Hib PS to different proteins has produced several vaccines with better immunogenicity and security in the elderly and with efficacy in infants as well; both groups are at an increased risk for disease caused by encapsulated bacteria (11, 29, 38, 55). These vaccines have been particularly useful for prevention of Hib contamination in high-risk infant populations (25, 53C55). The almost total disappearance of Hib disease and the reduction in pharyngeal carriage of Hib (6) testify to the usefulness of these conjugated vaccines (6, 63). Despite the significant public health advances seen with the introduction of Hib conjugate vaccines, the mechanisms PF-05085727 by which these conjugate vaccines induce a response in infants is not well comprehended. The mechanism(s) of action of conjugate vaccines and the reasons why the response is still age related are the subjects of ongoing studies in our laboratory. A thorough understanding of the underlying mechanism of the immune response to PS determinants is essential in order to develop improved, second-generation vaccines to Hib and other PS (12, 30, 48, 58), to mix several or many conjugate vaccines on their own or with Nkx1-2 other types of vaccines successfully, and to be able to immunize infants at birth. The capsular PS of group C (MCPS) is usually.